Euromed Exchanges is back

Euromed Exchanges is back.. Join us in the first exchange for this year to be held in Tunisia from 10-19 July for a unique experience.. and meet our partners from #Tunisia, #jordan, #ireland, #spain, #italy, #Poland, #morocco.. 6 participants per country Topic: Media and Critical Thinking Against Radicalization and Extremism Age group: 20+Reimbursement: 340 euros (ticket) and visa fees Expenses: All accommodation and food covered by host organization EUROMED EVE NETWORKAccommodation at Monia Club Nabeul just by the lovely Mediterranean sea contact us for more info Jan Salman Raya Fatayri Rola JfrMCTAREYDO – YOUth Can Make a DIFFERENCE!105People Reached1Engagement+1.0x AverageDistribution ScoreBoost Post

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